Off-grid Solar Power:
Doing it the right way.
Off-grid solar power is here to stay, and it is more feasible then ever. The number of ill-designed and installed systems is regrettably also growing. Solar Solution is here to help you make sure that you get the right system for you, the best equipment for your situation, and all of that at the best price. How we do that? We listen to what you want, and tell you what is the best solution for you: Independent advise from an experienced energy engineer in a nutshell.
Jesse’s Expertise
“He knows what he’s doing…”, is a phrase that Jesse’s clients often use. Equipped with the the necessary education in Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering, drilled in the field by pioneers in off-grid energy system, and shaped by years of experience in the design and installation of systems.
Off-grid installations in remote and inaccessible locations demanded perfect design skills, detailed procurement & supply, and each system installation was only truly completed when it was been tested to idiot-proof levels. A tough and unforgiving process of building expertise, but it has led Jesse to have become the expert in off-grid solar that he is today.

Our way of doing business

The birth of Solar Solution
Problems are great inspiration for solutions. During the time that Jesse run installation companies for off-grid solar installations, he noticed that the industry often only used specific brands and types of equipment based on commercial interest instead of merely the technical efficacy.
He concluded this could be improved by separating the system engineering and advisory task from the actual suppliers and installation companies.
Solar Solution therefore supplies individuals and companies with independent solar engineering services, ensuring that they are equipped with the best possible blueprint of a system solution for their individual situation.

Our customers & projects
We advise on clients from both the private and corporate sectors, with small to medium scale projects. The types of projects include stand alone battery based off-grid solar, battery based diesel/solar hybrid, and battery based solar with grid-tied back-up power systems. The majority of the system solar generation capacities lie within the 100Wp – 20kWp range.
Our customers & projects
We advise on clients from both the private and corporate sectors, with small to medium scale projects. The types of projects include stand alone battery based off-grid solar, battery based diesel/solar hybrid, and battery based solar with grid-tied back-up power systems. The majority of the system solar generation capacities lie within the 100Wp – 20kWp range.