Choose the support you need:

Instant Consult

Direct support through a video call

Instant Consult
The answers to your questions and the advice you are looking for on the topic of your choice.


→ Video Call

→ Appointment within 24 hours

→ All topics included


$ 85.-

Procurement Support

Specific advice on which products to buy

Procurement Support:

Receive the advise on which equipment should be purchased for your solar energy project.

→ Brand recommendation

→ Model selection

→ Quote comparison


$ 145

Consultation Service

A complete personal support process

Consultation Service:

Answers to your design and operation questions through direct contact with the engineer.

→ Direct contact

→ Consultancy report

→ Design recommendations


$ 265

Off-grid Solar Videos

Watch tutorial videos on common topics in off-grid solar systems. Sit back and relax, become a solar expert from your own couch.